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PrEP : รีบกิน รีบป้องกัน HIV

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a medication taken by people who are at a high risk of contracting HIV to prevent infection. In Tha...

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a medication taken by people who are at a high risk of contracting HIV to prevent infection. In Thai, it is known as "รีบกิน รีบป้องกัน HIV". This medication has been shown to be highly effective in preventing the transmission of HIV when taken consistently. PrEP is a game-changer in the fight against HIV, especially for individuals who may be at greater risk, such as those in a serodiscordant relationship or engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors. By taking PrEP daily, individuals can significantly reduce their chances of contracting the virus and protect themselves and their partners. It is important for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals to determine if PrEP is a suitable option for them and to monitor their progress while taking the medication. With the availability of PrEP, we are one step closer to ending the HIV epidemic in Thailand.
สำเร็จแล้ว นักวิทยาศาสตร์ไทย ค้นพบวิธีฆ่าเชื้อ HIV

ให้คำปรึกษา HIV โดยผู้เชี่ยวชาญฟรี
ชุดตรวจ HIV ด้วยน้ำลาย ส่งฟรี

